GG ALLIN Was an O.G. shock rocker/ a testament to excess and a raving MANIAC. He was "all in" always. My first exposure to his raging repertoire was in 9
th grade, when I saw a video of his live show circa '90 (?) - a show when he subsequently shat on stage, rolled around in his own feces (butt naked) all the while shrieking punk music, only to bolt down the the
bowery (still completely naked, Bowery still completely gutter at the time it was shot, not the hi end strip mall we see today). I have "shotgun Natalie" for that early taste of the gutter life, the
epitome of shock
RAWK, I still remember it vividly. That was the moment i realized that sometimes its not the talent that gets you the shine, its the shock of the rock and the rage in the cage. I mean, we watched the whole video, and clearly
Mr. Allin was not much of a technician, but he sure knew how to create a vicious spectacle. I think he also shot himself, during a show once, dude was deranged. RIP you crazy fuck.Here's a link
GG ALLIN and the Jabbers "Don't talk to me" - LIVE FAST DIE.