This flick reminded me of some club ish circa Tunnel - era (remember those needle-drenched clubs, Kidz) - probably because that was the last time I wore so much plaid (it needs to be re-retired). Some weirdo just popped his shades on me, flicked it up, gave 'em back, not my stee, sunglasses at night, just not a good look for grown folk (if anyone).
Unfortanately, It takes a LONG time to see any visible in NY. I mean change is possible, but said transformation takes a decade or so - maybe that's why they say "you're not a real New Yorker until you've lived here for at least 10 years" by "they," I mean other out-of-towners (craving identity or something) - I certainly didn't sign-off on that rule. New York is either in your blood, or you are a simply a resident of "The City." Being from here means less to me than it used to, as it should, some of the greatest New Yorkers originally came from somewhere else. It IS however a serious badge of honor(especially if you found yourself in the trenches of NY in the "roaring nineties"), this city can(and will) eat you alive, I've seen it happen, it's not a pretty site. The New York City Guild is always impressive, and we can always smell are fraud - well at least my peoples. Oh yeah, and this city will NOT love you back, get a dog.
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