I literally saw a medium-sized Christmas tree rolling through the somewhat empty streets of the sunny Upper East Side, I was reminded of depression-era "dust-bowl" photographs (and the last recession which hit my family hard in the early nineties). Then I thought about what could be drawn from those downtrodden ordeals - more from hindsight than any sort of experiential knowledge - I was around 11 at that time. The Early Nineties; the US was at some war in Iraq, the nation was preaching the gospel of recession, and just remember watching most of the people around me struggling. Luckily, the radio was kicking out the jams (all that angst had to go somewhere).
But I digress, as the point is not some saddo-whiny blogerhia, more a brief thought on financial crisises. The last one hurt me directly, and many close to me much harder. We are now all stronger, and far more interesting for it. As some asshole poet once said, "some shit about there's beauty in suffering or somthing." This world we revolve in is highly cyclical. Did you really think something can grow so fast, without some kind of reactionary fall - or collapse?
Guard your grills, stop spending that "free-money," and grind it out like the rest of 'em. I will try to do the same - but I'm not stressing. Lessons were gravely learned from '92...
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